⚓️ ahoy seaport protocol
gm. rumor has it that since I use an anchor now in my newsletter iconography that I *might* be a stealth OpenSea project. DYOR.
let’s face the facts, fam…we tried to quit OpenSea, but we can’t.
we don’t exactly lack alternatives. there’s x2y2 and LooksRare. there’s Coinbase NFT (lol), Rarible, and countless others with Gamestop NFT coming soon too.
however, the OS hold seems to only be getting stronger.
on Friday, they added to their arsenal by announing the “Seaport Protocol” which will push OpenSea towards decentralization and give us degens some cool new features. in essence, Seaport is an open source protocol that can be explained by others a lot better than me:

given their position as the clear #1 marketplace, it is nice to see that the devs are doing something instead of sitting on their hands.
the trading feature especially sounds like a game changer. you can “trait snipe” through trading now, which will eliminate the headache of tracking down every user who owns a ‘captain hat’ NFT and messaging them, for example.
instead, you simply set the parameters of the trade and if they’re met by another OS user…bam! the trade is executed automatically.
I still use other marketplaces to find deals. their reduced seller’s fees can be advantageous if you can afford to let an NFT sit around for a few extra days.
however, the majority of us are still going to use OpenSea at the end of the day. and that’s for good reason…it’s where the volume and culture lives currently. the Seaport protocol seemily will add only *more* action to their site, which means they’ll continue to dominate the other marketplaces in the space.
now only if they could keep their website up…
🎶 we were living in a GoblinTown. didn’t know it was a GoblinTown. o lord it really brings me down about the GoblinTown. 🎶
appropriately, a project called GoblinTown launched this weekend during a bear market. with a free mint and a lot of attention from influencers, it quickly caught on…peaking at close to a 1 ETH floor and holding strong today.
“Biv, then why are you hating and putting this in the Beta section of your email?” you might ask. “this sounds like a big win for NFTs! free mints rule!”
the problem for me is that the pump was fueled by a mostly unsubstiantiated rumor that this was a secret project from Yuga Labs. the rumor manifested after many realized that an old Yuga pitch deck included ‘goblins’ as a revenue channel for 2022.

as far as we know, there is no Yuga product yet that centers around Goblins. enter GoblinTown.
once the rumor caught on, there was no stopping people who desperately are looking to get into the Yugaverse at a low price point, from jumping in.
whether the rumor holds any water or not (it’s very unlikely, to be clear) is actually beside the point.
there’s an old investment adage that you should buy the rumor, and sell the news. that simply does not work for the NFT space these days (in fact, the rumor is the sell signal).
remember the pump when Deadfellaz signed with UTA? me neither. rumors and hype perpetuate the speculation and drive the action. news does not.
(maybe I should change my newsletter to an NFT rumors one, I’d likely get more eyeballs on it)
for this reason, please do be cautious out there. GoblinTown is *likely* not a Yuga project. though, heck it might be. Yuga has a pretty good track record of letting important information leak out there to insiders.
if you thought Azuki airdropping their owners some dirt was weird, I now bring you Moonbirds, who airdropped their ‘Oddities’ this weekend. they are literally pixelated owl poop…Moonbird Poopz, revealing July 2022.
I forgot to mention that NBA Top Shot eclipsed $1 billion in sales in Friday’s newsletter. dang, they really did get us good.

following up on their NFT marketplace announcement, GameStop launched a self-custody wallet today…with an emphasis on NFTs. why does this look so good? is GameStop really going to pull this off?