⚓️ bill murray's new NFTs
gm. we’re more than halfway through 2022. how is it going for you?
for me, my sports teams suck, my NFT collection is down bad, and I’m numb to the world’s chaos but other than that I’m feeling fantastic.
only up!
actor and living legend Bill Murray is now the proud owner of:
when a celebrity buys NFTs like this (on Coinbase’s NFT marketplace no less), you can be pretty sure what’s coming next…an NFT “cash grab” project.
that’s certainly the case here. Bill Murray has no social media, but he has had a partnership with the website “The Chive” for more than a decade now (I’ve bought my dad a few shirts from their online shop, that’s how I know this).
so it makes sense that they are also the ones helping to launch his NFT project “The Shack” on July 15 in partnership with…you guessed it…Coinbase NFT.
so why is this exciting to me? honestly, it’s just because I love Bill Murray. this project has been announced for a while, and honestly, I’ll do all the mental gymnastics necessary to be bullish on this news. here’s what I got so far:
Coinbase NFT is actually doing something! partnerships! Bill Murray is singlehandedly tripling their sales volume!
I can tell my dad that Bill Murray and I own the same NFT!
he didn’t get a Bored Ape like every other celebrity. I knew he was cool!
just when you think you’ve seen it all…
A free mint project called WZRDs shocked a lot of people yesterday by pulling off something that I didn’t know was possible or even legal.
they *burned* tokens of those who listed WZRDs on a marketplace.

poof. just like magic, listing a WZRD on OpenSea would immediately send it to a burn address. “list shaming” has been an issue within the NFT space for a while, but this takes it to a whole new level…
the project and its supporters are pointing to all the material posted on Twitter to justify the burnings. detractors (myself included) are claiming that this *might* be unlawful, but it *definitely* is a crappy thing to do.
it’s already hard enough to keep up with all the Discord announcements. to many, Twitter is a tertiary channel that seldom gets checked. you wouldn’t assume that not checking it for a few days would mean you lose your NFTs forever.
though it was a free mint at one point, it certainly wasn’t at the time of the burnings. many paid .3 ETH and above for WZRDs. if a larger project had pulled this, the blowback from the community would be way larger.
to think I thought it was dumb when WAGDIE burned a Mutant Ape…can we burn this whole project while they’re at it?
speaking of celebrities, Serena Williams, one of the greatest living athletes, bought this cool CloneX. I assume there will be no “cash grab” coming from her (as her family already has plenty of cash and NFTs both), but I suppose you never know! RTFKT is Nike after all 👀
how are you preparing to be hacked? even wallets this large can still fall victim. my advice is to have multiple hard wallets (diversify) and multiple hot wallets for different scenarios (minting wallet, listing wallet, ENS wallet, etc.). the gas fees may hurt to do all the transferring, but think about how much worse it could be (see below).