⚓️ feeling bored & dangerous
gm. no days off.
that’s because you never know who is tuning in for the first time…and first impressions are everything.
unfortunately for me and my newsletter, first impressions are often typos and grammar mistakes in the opening lines.
today, Jenkins the Valet (one of the 12 people in this space that actually understands how to use his IP) is launching ‘Bored and Dangerous’.
normally, I would decry how complicated the entire Jenkins universe has already become. just head to the website if you want to see how convoluted the project already is. this is the first line you see:
Written in collaboration with 10x NYT Bestseller Neil Strauss, Bored & Dangerous can be burned for the ability to mint an Azur Root (your pass for a journey to Azurbala) or staked for governance tokens in Hawthorn, formerly known as Media DAO.
Azur Root, Azurbala, and Hawthorne steaks sound like pretty good menu items at a Brooklyn gastropub. they even threw in a “DAO” to completely go over everyone’s heads.
but don’t sleep on the first piece of information you see: written in collaboration with Neil Strauss.

for those who don’t know, Neil Strauss is indeed a legitimate writer.
while he’s *maybe* scummy (he’s most famous for the 2005 book ‘The Game’ that you may have heard of if you’re into pickup artistry), he’s a best-seller and has also been ghostwriting for celebrities recently…turning himself into micro-celebrity in the process.
so not only is he notable, but he’s *actually* building in the NFT world too. it’s talent like this that will ultimately attract many to our space…and not just because they’re going to “neg” everyone to do so.
I wrote about Coolman’s Universe getting a TV show on Thursday last week (still haven’t heard back from Dan about my status as a writer on that show).
however, with one step forward…it’s often two steps back in the NFT space.
primed to launch their companion collection, ‘babies’ since May, an unfortunate downturn in the market (if you hadn’t heard) dropped the genesis Coolman’s ‘speshies’ from around a 1.25 ETH price floor to a .5 ETH one.
with their ‘babies’ still set to go, instead of adjusting the new mint price to reflect these changes, the Coolman’s team still decided to fully send it…setting it to .195 ETH per baby.

if you think that is high, so did literally everyone else. in a panic, the team rolled back the price to .089 ETH, but to some that still wasn’t low enough.
companions have a few uses for big NFT projects. most notably though, 1) they provide capital for the team, and 2) they provide a lower price point for new entrants to the community.
in the case of Coolman’s they decided that raising the capital was more important than giving people a fair price to enter the Coolman’s Universe. by the time the mint price had been reeled in, the damage had been done, with many accusing them of greed (fairly, IMO).
NFT teams should want to raise capital (to pay themselves and me, future writer on their TV show). they also should want to keep their promises (they easily could have delayed babies until the market recovered). what Coolman’s did isn’t wrong, it’s just bad business.
again, it’s adapt or die. the team should have been paying more attention to the market sentiment here and should have been ready to adjust things on the fly.
million dollar Ape purchases are back, baby. does this mean the market is back too? hopefully, this week we will find out…
the most famous flipper on NFT Twitter, Franklin, got his Twitter hacked on Friday. it’s scary for him and his many Bored Apes, but also scary for his followers. as tends to happen, a malicious link was sent out that when clicked & signed could drain wallets. good guy Franklin sent those affected by his hack as much as .5 ETH to apologize for something that wasn’t even his fault. again, stay diligent out there….there are scammers around every corner. no days off.