⚓️ goblintown founders doxed
gm. how are we holding up? is the all ramen diet treating you well?
just a reminder to throw an egg into that bad boy to elevate your standard ramen into fine cuisine (if you can afford eggs that is).
follow me for more tips like this.
prices are temporary. culture? well, that’s temporary too.
however, over the last few decades, Madonna has been pretty good at vibing what’s going to be popular next.
while Madonna may not be the cultural icon she once was, she does have a pretty good track record of staying in the limelight…and being at culturally important events.
from the VMA stage with Britney Spears to making EDM music with Avicii, she always has a finger on the pulse of the latest and greatest trends in music.
I grew up in the Coachella Valley, and back in 2006, I remember when Madonna decided to headline our little-known arts festival in town…I think you know which one I’m talking about.
(this was back when it was called Coachella Fest by the locals).
so like it or not, you do have to take note of yesterday’s announcement that she’ll be headlining the World of Women NFT NYC event.
NFT NYC has already become a SXSW (South by Southwest) of sorts. no one is actually talking about the event itself, but everyone is talking about the parties that surround it.
there are now multiple big-name artists going to be in town for June’s NFT NYC (Tame Impala at the Moonbirds party, for example) playing to us NFT nerds.
I believe that one day, an NFT (like Bored Apes probably) may string together multiple artists and get them all under one roof (or into one polo field) in order to throw a Coachella for NFTs…where you’ll need a token in order to get in.
and by then, I’ll be way too old to handle a weekend like that. but it sure does sound fun.
just when I think I’m out…they pull me back in.
despite the downturn in the market, everyone’s favorite ₐₐₐₐₐₐₐᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤGGGₕₕₕₕ’ers still managed to stay green and make waves.
that’s because this morning, they finally revealed who they were. no, it’s not Yuga…no, it’s not Beeple…it’s not Larva either…it’s truth.
truth labs, the team behind another successful NFT project called Illuminati, doxed themselves as the real cofounders of GoblinTown.
it’s a big coup, but one that was so much better in our heads than it was in reality.
that being said, regardless, we (again) have to acknowledge what a good job this team has done with this project. if this run is any indicator, there might be a new heavy-hitter out there in the world of NFTs…and they’re the truth like Paul Pierce.
the devs? doing something? opensea? also doing something? surely, this marks the end of times. it’s been a good run, fam.

Gary Vee must have read my newsletter last week…because he just bought another CryptoPunk. Gary has always been preaching long-term thinking and investing with NFTs, so it should come as no surprise that he adds another grail to his collection while others are fearful.