⚓️ machi big brother
gm. I made a virtual art gallery yesterday on OnCyber.io.
it’s a cool VR product and a sneaky good way to evaluate your NFTs. if you like the way an NFT looks hanging on a virtual wall in this market, then odds are you made the right call after all. congrats!
as for all those NFTs in your hidden folder of OpenSea?…yeah those probably won’t make the cut.
before today, I had never heard of Machi Big Brother (I guess, I have to brush up on my famous Apes).
now? I know a lot about him thanks to a bombshell @zachxbt piece on how he’s embezzled over 22,000 ETH (yes, you read that right) over 5 years and 10 projects.
@zachxbt is already something of a celebrity in my newsletter for his chain-sleuthing (I just wrote about his Players Only discovery last week). this, however, seems to be his opus and I recommend you read it. it’s confusing but thorough…coming in at almost 3000 words and showing Machi’s paper trail of the funds moving across the chain.
it also charts Machi’s beginning days as a recording artist in Taiwan to him rubbing elbows with giants in the defi world…all of whom made it possible for him to pocket huge sums of ETH and become one of the biggest holders of Bored Apes.
oddly, even with these big accusations against him, Machi hasn’t deleted his Twitter yet. instead, he’s responded to the 3000-word article with 12 words of his own.
famous last words of someone who could go to prison if the evidence in the article is turned over to the authorities. but you do you, Machi.
speaking of famous Apes, Jenkins The Valet is another well-known one. his project, The Writer’s Room, is one of the best use cases of IP in the space and was recently shouted in the GQ Ape article.
unfortunately, in classic Bored Ape fashion, his Twitter was hacked yesterday leaving numerous members of his community exposed.
the hackers posted a malicious link that took clickers to a mint page that drained their wallets (you know how the story goes at this point). as you can imagine, some high-value NFTs were lifted in the process.
Jenkins issued an apology and promised to refund those affected; it’s a good-faith, if not costly, move for Jenkins.

and apparently, now we have to be just as diligent clicking links on Twitter as we are on Discord. stay safe out there, fam.
MetaMask finally has a dark mode. rejoice!

a cool little piece of utility for ENS domains that I thought I would share. I just found this out yesterday, though perhaps it’s common knowledge and I’m once again late to the party.