⚓️ players only rug
gm. back to the regularly scheduled format today. I’m thinking Friday editions of this will be short and sweet from now on.
you should be touching grass and pounding beers on Fridays, not reading the ramblings of a broke man.
yesterday was the CryptoPunks 5th anniversary. it’s easy to forget that even this time last year, they were the unassailable #1 NFT both in notoriety and price.

today we’re looking a little different, wouldn’t you say? Yuga reigns supreme (wen Supreme x Bored Apes collab?) and they literally own CryptoPunks (I wrote on Wednesday about how they may be trying to sunset them too).
it’s an important reminder of how much can change in a year. just look at ETH! it was worth *checks charts* MORE 1 year ago than Ethereum today…wait what? RIP ETH to $10K…
regardless, CryptoPunks in 5 short years blazed the trail for us and a lot is owed to their community for championing NFTs. look where we’re at now (ok, maybe don’t look, those charts are really bad right now).
they will forever be my “grail” NFT; the one that if I get it, it will mean that I have made it. at this rate, that might not be possible for me until the CryptoPunks 10th anniversary.
Twitter is a wild place. for one, we have one of the world’s richest men shitposting on a daily basis there (don’t know if you heard but he’s also trying to buy the app). and now, we have professional athletes beefing with on-chain sleuths.
what a time.
@zachxbt (who has been mentioned in this newsletter before) recently called out a project called ‘Players Only’ for being a million-dollar rug championed (no pun intended) by many NBA players.

but when you @ someone on Twitter accusing them of being a criminal, then you’re bound to get a reaction out of them.
Michael Carter Williams was the athlete who bit, leading to a semi-surreal back and forth. luckily for @zachxbt, he kept the receipts and wanted all that smoke.
MCW has now deleted all his replies and the team behind Players Only has suddenly started working on the project again (probably to avoid any further bad optics or maybe even criminal charges).
I wrote about the importance of sleuthing this week already. however, it’s a sad state of affairs when something this egregious goes under the radar for as long as it did…
Anthony Hopkins has reached out to his celebrity friends to find the best NFTs for him to buy. if an 84-year-old man is educating himself on NFTs than there is no excuse for your grandpa. it’s time we onboard some noobs (ok, olds) to unload our bags on…c’mon people do your part!

following up on another story I’ve been covering a lot, Seth Green seems to have gotten his Ape back. sure, he paid a lot to do it (~$295K) but at least now there will be little IP complications now to his new show (that will probably only last 1 season anyway).