gm. did you claim your NFT NYC POAP? you know…the covid.
whether you did or not, I hope you feel better soon and are getting back to NFTs this week!
quote from sued man:
“what are you going to do? sue me?”
Yuga Labs pulled the trigger Friday and decided to pursue legal action against Ryder Ripps.
it’s been a long time coming for Ape fans. if you haven’t been following the drama, Ryder Ripps is an artist that has been pedaling a “Yuga Labs is racist” narrative for months. last week, the conspiracy took on a second life after a YouTube video (supported by Ryder) went viral.
however, Yuga didn’t have a legal leg to stand on until Ryder released his newest collection…that was an exact copy of Bored Apes. now they finally have the excuse they need to try and end this man (on the grounds of “trademark infringement”).
the RR/BAYC collections have since been removed from all major NFT marketplaces - even X2Y2, who tried this weekend to get a little sales boost from the news by supporting Ryder.

so buckle up…the ramifications of this lawsuit will likely echo throughout the rest of the NFT community. I’m not sure this is the first lawsuit that will deal with the trademark of NFTs, but it will certainly be the highest-profile one.
Ryder Ripps versus the biggest NFT brand in the space…I wonder who will come out on top…
“she’s a 10 but she’s got a ‘very common’ dooplicator.”

Doodles finally decided to reveal their companion ‘dooplicators’ late last week…and it’s still not anything?
the metadata has been updated to show a new animation along with the token’s rarity (‘rare’, ‘common’, and ‘very common’ tiers), but that’s it.
for a project that plans to onboard millions of new people to NFTs, not much has been communicated well with this launch. don’t get me wrong, they’ve been very good at stringing everyone along and building hype, but not so good at getting everyone to understand what exactly is going on within their ecosystem.
from the looks of it though, it appears dooplicators will be something akin to Bored Ape’s “mutant serums”. according to their OpenSea page, the “dooplication” is set to begin sometime during the summer of 2022.
hopefully by then, we will see exactly what a Doodle duplicate will look like and how they relate to the genesis Doodles collection and the upcoming Doodles 2 collection (that reminder won’t be on Ethereum)…
I guess I should stop asking questions and just keep buying like everyone else. Doodles have long been a collection that has eluded me and perhaps capitalizing on all this confusion can finally get me in at a cheaper price.
good write-up by fellow Cool Cat @waveninja1 who actually took the time to read and analyze Gargamel’s old blog:

welcome Kevin Hart to NFT Twitter! I’m sure he doesn’t have a collection drop planned if that’s what you were thinking… #VirtualWorlds /s