⚓️ a DIY ENS tip
get writer’s block ➡️ read someone else’s writing for inspiration ➡️ discover they are a better writer than you ➡️ writer’s block worsens
the cycle is neverending.
try ENS.tools

do you care about ENS? if not, keep reading but skip this section.
but I’ve mentioned too many times that it’s one of my *favorite* NFT projects (I wrote that I think Reddit will discover ENS domains this week even).
well, as you know with NFTs, there are peaks and valleys in interest. right now certainly seems to be a time where interest in all projects…but particularly ENS…is at an all-time low.
but that means it’s the best time to snag domains if you truly believe.
ENS.tools is a freemium product that I’ve used for a few months now. it allows you to filter through available, expiring, and expired ENS domains.
and right now I’m seeing a lot of good ones expiring. in the last week, these domains have all been snatched up by people smarter than myself:
if you tend to have a good eye for brandable domains…or you simply want to squat on existing IP…then take a look and start taking some swings.
it’ll probably pay off in a few years…if not a few months.
Twitter allows NFTs to be displayed in tweets…for now

Twitter has been abuzz in the last 24 hours about its new leader…a one Elon Musk (never heard of him).
but he’s seemed to establish himself quite the (cult) following. people think that his acquisition is bullish for the future of Twitter.
but much like Elon Musk, I’m selfish. and I’m only asking this: what does it mean for the platform and its relationship to NFTs?
right now, Twitter Blue allows NFT profile pictures to be a hexagon. you can click into the PFP and find what the NFT is (so long as it’s on Ethereum). however, that has been the extent of their support for NFTs.
even worse, I’ve seen nothing in the past (other than Elon’s obsession with Dogecoin) to imply that he cares *at all* about Web3.
with new regimes, you can bet that changes will be made. so even news that you’ll now be allowed to display NFTs in the tweets could be rolled back…considering there are new decision-makers involved.
maybe we do have to jump ship to Instagram or Reddit after all…
a changing of hands

I wrote yesterday about why RTFKT could be a good bet still…despite their technical mishaps.
Odell Beckham…a football player and Super Bowl champion…certainly believes they’re the future. but what happened to CryptoPunk that he unloaded to get more Clones?
apparently, it’s gone to soby…who funny enough is *also* a huge believer in RTFKT.
this is a fun story though…and proves that NFT trades can be win-win (just don’t click a link to trade).
SquadSpace shout out

thank you everyone yesterday who replied to my email and sent over recommendations on who I could shout out next in the DELTA section of BivNFT.
and I’m glad I asked, because I had forgotten an important one: Squad Space with @0xFForest and @_mackinac.
I was a guest on this once! how could I have overlooked this plug?
they’re in the process of uploading their Twitter Spaces to Spotify as a podcast, so go check them out and subscribe. while you shouldn’t go listen to my episode, you should go listen to rest…in particular the one with Whiskers cofounder Rico.