⚓️ "a quick rug pull"
have you been enjoying the World Cup so far?
I root for Argentina as I mentioned on Thursday…so I most definitely have *not*.
shout out to the USA for the tie though, I guess.
x2y2 reversal
on Friday there was a big reversal: X2Y2 (still the worst-named marketplace around) announced that they would be enforcing royalties…after months of saying they wouldn’t.
this stems from months of public pressure…where founders and artists alike denounced the practice of 0% royalties.
better late than never? or have the company’s prior announcements shown their *true* intentions?
either way, this means the discourse is done…for now. I feel as if we’ve been discussing ad nauseam and I, for one, am over it.
unfortunately, I find 0% royalties *may* be inevitable at this point…so I imagine the conversation will rear its ugly head in the (not-so-distant) future.
Valhalla rug?

a project called Valhalla has found itself in some hot wata’.
(I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it)
Valhalla is a new gaming and NFT project that has anime-style art. a .5 mint price gave some people reason to FUD the project right from the jump…and they came out in full force to do so.
in particular, the now-Twitter-banned Shillin_Villain had the project in his crosshairs and his ire at the project *may* in fact have contributed to his account’s disablement (if you have your tinfoil hats on that is).
then, some pretty incriminating texts from the project’s founder Alex Lin were leaked…where he basically said that he’d “rug” if things didn’t go according to plan.
who knows if it was said tongue and cheek or if the intentions of the founder were actually nefarious. either way, it’s a bad look for a project looking to build trust within the NFT community.
but all news *can* be good news, I suppose…the controversies haven’t stopped the project from minting out and have certainly garnered a lot of attention for a project that can only be described as *another* Azuki derivative.
Twitter fallout continues…

speaking of Twitter drama, you may have heard that there’s a new *certain* someone in charge over there at Twitter HQ…and he *loves* firing his employees.
for this reason, there have been rumors of Twitter’s demise, but so far those have been greatly exaggerated.
that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been fallout though.
in fact, Yuga Labs’ VP of Comms tweeted yesterday about a potential problem that will arise from all the layoffs…fraud and spam.
to be fair, Twitter has *never* been particularly good at combating that, but who is to say that without the bandwidth it won’t somehow get even worse.
it’s something minor to monitor for now.
Tim Ferriss is into NFTs…

I love Tim Ferriss. the 4-Hour Work-week was a pretty transformative book for me. I highly recommend it.
however, I cannot in good faith recommend his new NFT project. I’m excited to see that Tim is about to dive into our world, but can’t believe that he decided to name his project ‘Cockpunch’.
and while the 3D-style art also isn’t my thing, I hope that Tim Ferriss can prove me wrong. he’s certainly smarter than me, so I had no doubt that he’ll be able to do that with ease and Tim’s signature efficiency.