⚓️ ApeCoin staking date
a reminder this morning to keep listing those NFTs and flip your way *up* to the ones that you’ve had your eye on.
the grails as they say.
if you’re going to hold…at least do it with the stuff you want and not the stuff you’re stuck with.

in anticipation of staking news, the Ape community was anxiously waiting for a Twitter Spaces where the team would go into more details on what that would look like.
but a whole day before, ApeCoin tweeted that it would need to be delayed and rescheduled for a later time.
in classic NFT fashion, this *somehow* caused outrage…so much so that today, Horizen was forced to drop some of the juicy deets in advance.

the squeaky wheel *continues* to get the grease. this is advice to you…be loud and obnoxious on Twitter and you will be rewarded.
take this from someone with a toddler…tantrums sometimes work.
the Evil Empire…I mean the New England Patriots…have bought their ENS domain.
with help from Deepak.eth and Chain, they become the first NFL team to secure theirs (that we know of). and it cost a pretty penny…75 ETH to be exact.
speaking of the Patriots, I saw a *great* tweet yesterday (from the great FUDrick Douglas) on the new Cool Cats CEO.

Cool Cats are the New England Patriots of NFTs. I’m a Seahawks fan myself, so please no Malcolm Butler jokes about this.
OpenRarity is now live on OpenSea for certain collections (Cool Cats, Moonbirds, Pudgy Penguins, to start). I was excited to find out that my Cool Cat is in the top 1000…but again…this means nothing. your NFT is only as valuable as *you* see it (or what someone is willing to pay for it).
shout out to security sleuths. we still love you. stay safe out there everyone and don’t click links! how many times do we have to warn you about the links?