⚓️ BivNFT acquires ETHGasNow.com
it’s been a busy week for me. the rubber has hit the road. now that I sit in my new house (surrounded by boxes) I realized I *really* need to get organized.

nothing is safe from my organization…even my NFTs but especially Discord servers. I left a handful yesterday to combat ‘ping anxiety’ (IYKYK).

some personal news…I am now the owner of ETHGasNow.com. this is not a bit.
I, for a while now, have thought that gas price checkers were cool little tools. the problem is I had no idea how to build one on my own…
enter Flippa.com (think eBay.com for websites). I saw ETHGasNow sitting on auction there…just asking for someone to ape in.
in a true degen play, that someone was me. I paid the ‘buy it now’ price instead of getting into a bidding war with people (it already had 5 bids on it).
my plan with it? I’m not *exactly* sure yet, but I will probably dust off some of my SEO skills and eventually monetize the site with Google ads.
(don’t worry, I won’t subject you to the same thing for BivNFT…though I do need to figure out how to monetize this thing one day).
my background pre-Web3 was in website optimization. I’ve been messing around with niche blogs and SEO for years trying to get even *one* website profitable. maybe ETHGasNow.com will finally be my big break…
(if not, it’ll just head to the website graveyard along with *countless* others)
how does this help you? well, it doesn’t *really*. I would, however, encourage you to look into alternative streams of passive income in the “old world”.
in this market, can you really afford to leave stones unturned?
just because we are entering the Web3 world does *not* mean that Web1 and Web2 must be left in the dust. NFT content blogs, simple online tools like ETHGasNow, and Web3 analytics tools will thrive come the next cycle. I guarantee it.
let’s face facts…the NFT world is as fun as it is unpredictable.
but that unpredictability can directly affect your mental health. when you take L after L after L, you begin to question your own intelligence and prowess.
(in my case, maybe I shouldn’t have been confident in my abilities to make money in NFTs when I’ve never been good at making it at any other point in my life)
that’s why I’ve decided to lean into what I know (websites) instead of rolling the dice on another NFT project that I may understand, but the market certainly does not.
again, how does all this talk about myself help you? it once again probably doesn’t. but perhaps you can think back…do you remember your life before Web3? what was it? what were you good at in it?
maybe it’s time to start using some of those skills in the NFT community…it’s certainly a better bet than aping into another derivative project.
after yesterday’s news that the SEC would be going after Apecoin, the Otherside Twitter also *suspiciously* went away for a few hours. it’s time to put our tinfoil hats on people…

shout out to @cooltimes again for dispensing this knowledge. sometimes, you feel as though the quality of your work will be the *only* driving force you need to make it grow. that isn’t always the case…sometimes you gotta be your own salesperson too. keep sending indeed.