⚓️ Lebron gets a CloneX?
my daughter turns 1 today.
not to get too sappy, but I do all this for her. she’s been the biggest motivator behind BivNFT and me going all-in on NFTs in general.
that being said, she’ll be so disappointed when I gift her all the NFTs I’ve been collecting for her when she turns 18.
“this is all you got me, dad? no ETH, a bunch of worthless NFTs…not even a Doodle?”
I’ve made one of my biggest purchases in a while. and I regret to inform Yuga-maxis that this is bad news for them.
yes, I’ve bought land in the Otherside. say hi to Otherdeed #83404.
we’ve seen some big sales for them today, and if we’ve learned anything from Yuga is that where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
(and by that, I mean where there’s sales volume, there’s insider trading)
however, that is not why I decided to take a leap of faith here (though it didn’t hurt).
no, the reason I’m finally buying metaverse land is that it’s one of the missing components of my digital identity.
I have the PFP. I have the ENS domain. I just needed digital real estate.
I think we often get too in the weeds with all this NFT stuff. we buy multiple tokens of the same project and try to trade them. but when you *really* think about it why do you need 15 of the same JPG just with different traits?
(to be fair, why do we really need digital land either?)
but I have been intrigued by the metaverse…and though I feel it’s a ways away from becoming an actual reality, my online persona has become my most *prominent* one.
so I naturally need a place to house my digital self now. to the metaverse and beyond.

RTFKT/CloneX, for those that don’t know, is owned by Nike. and one of their biggest athletes has been lurking in the NFT shadows ready for his coronation.
it’s long been speculated when Lebron James would get into NFTs…other big athletes of his stature have already dabbled with them, like Cristiano Ronaldo and his rival Steph Curry.
but Lebron has stayed silent on them.
now? it appears CloneX and RTFKT are trying to lure him into the NFT world.
last night, CloneX updated the metadata of a Clone to include the traits ‘Chosen1 Crown’ and ‘LBJ Beard’ as 1/1s. speculation ran wild that King James would finally be getting involved with NFTs. perhaps the partnership is already in the works?
I can’t help but be disappointed that they’re already catering to the celebrities on the blockchain. even worse, they’re really getting away from the “decentralization” of it all by just changing a token.
if you can update metadata like this on the whim of a celebrity, what stops you from going mad with power (true Mad King status) and changing *everything* in your collection to cater to them too? 👑
another day, another partnership. this one is definitely a headscratcher. Wrangler jeans (most notably your dad’s favorite brand of denim) have partnered with Deadfellaz for some kind of collaboration. the collabs that often don’t make sense at the moment can turn out to be powerful ones though, so I’ll let this one breath before further judgment.
shout out to all the writers out there. NFT brands, collections, and even marketplaces should be taking notice of writers in the Web3 world (shameless plug). a great thread by @thinguist (Cool Cats’ new copywriter) on how writing should be valued as much as the art.