⚓️ cool cats 💔 farokh
everyone is asking ‘wen airdrop szn’. remember those days? when new companies would just casually drop money into our wallets?
well, I got a great idea for the upcoming airdrop szn (if it ever happens)…a token called $GRAT that airdrops you a gratitude journal. then, you earn $GRAT by filling it out every day.
that’s *really* the innovation the space needs…more gratitude.

Farokh is a popular NFT influencer and creator of RugRadio. but he wasn’t always that…early on, he was a lover of Cool Cats and is credited for a lot of their grassroots “marketing” efforts. in part, his community work helped lead Cool Cats to being the iconic NFT it is today…despite the controversies.
but soon, hard times fell on us all - Farokh, Cool Cats, and the market.
and yesterday, Farokh liquidated his Cool Cats in one fell swoop, thus ending *that* chapter in his NFT journey.
this sparked some slight outrage from the NFT community at large as 1) everyone likes to call Farokh a bag dumper 2) it seemed like a betrayal…as he used to be a *very* vocal supporter of Cool Cats.
but they’ll be no sell-shaming here because our situations are *all* fluid.
and sometimes you just need a fresh start. Farokh and Cool Cats both get a little bit of that now.
the whole situation got me thinking about perspective. for Farokh, his Cool Cats came to represent one of his worst trading decisions. his love of the Cats could not ultimately overcome the $200K-300K he claims to have lost on the project. that’s his truth…his perspective.
to me, the perspective is completely different.
Cool Cats are less complicated to me because they didn’t lose me *a lot* of money and I’m in it for different reasons. for one, I’m more of a collector than a trader (Farokh is a trader, to be clear)…and that means Cool Cats are more of a community than a means of making money for me (as I’ve explained in the past).
all decisions do not happen in a vacuum as everyone’s perspective is *different*. it’s one of the downsides of blockchain actually…for blockchain transactions do not give any context (and therefore no perspective).
I’m sounding like Anton Ego now, so I’m going to stop.

it’s like OpenSea heard me talking smack yesterday…
on Wednesday, OpenSea (the big hitter of NFT marketplaces) gave a peak behind the curtain and what *actually* goes into the decision to lock assets on their website.
it turns out, it was *just* as complicated as we imagined, and it requires an actual police report to go along with the notaries.
and while the OpenSea social media intern was online, they decided to keep their Twitter fingers rolling…and took aim at their competitors. finding an error in a Magic Eden marketing video, OpenSea took aim and fired…

but Magic Eden’s intern is no slouch either. they ratio’ed OpenSea…proving once again to us in the NFT world that you should quit while you’re ahead.
the NFT marketplace missing from that exchange was GameStopNFT…who was too busy announcing that they’ll be bringing the Worldwide Webb metaverse to their platform. I guess I’m dumb, but now I finally understand the overlap between NFTs and Gamestop’s business model…metaverse games. duh.
a topical shout-out to @ThGoodKnight for holding weekly community spaces for Cool Cats. last night, Farokh jumped on to explain everything that had just gone down. TGK handled everything with care and grace as usual. some are even saying he has singlehandedly saved Cool Cats over the last few months (me, I’m some).
I didn’t know what to expect w/ this Spaces, but it surprised me in so many ways. ⭐️We talk w/ many, incl. @sighduck, @andr3w, & @farokh about the recent selling & current state of CC ⭐️We got a 🔥 inside-look at the CC creative team & process w/ @bittykittycakes Listen here: https://t.co/KEL3vDJszdhttps://t.co/24CGxvJAsYThe Good Knight @ThGoodKnight