⚓️ NFTiff's big mint price
as the week gets started, here’s some alpha:
take a big swing today...
I say that because back in May, I sent a DM to someone at the dGen Network asking if I could write for them.
…and today is my first day writing for *their* newsletter as well as my own.
this is all to say...maybe your next opportunity is right around the corner too, and all you have to do is *shoot your shot* today.

speaking of big swings...how does 30 ETH sound for a mint price?
well, apparently it's *not* if you're one of the world's most famous luxury brands. on Sunday, Tiffany and Co. announced that their first NFT would cost a whopping 30 ETH...roughly $50K.
what do you get for that price? well, an NFT obviously.
but luckily (relatively speaking), 30 ETH will also get you a custom-designed Tiffany pendant inspired by Cryptopunks.
the collection is limited to only 250 pieces so its scarcity *maybe* justifies its high ticket price. however, it's been a hotly debated topic on NFT Twitter already...with everyone more or less coming down on a decision based on their own net worth.
I actually see it as *worth it* in the long run. I don’t have the money to buy one (who does in this market), but for those who do, I’d imagine 30 ETH is a drop in the bucket…
and as an investment, it’ll probably be worth much more down the line.
while the market is quiet, it is nice to see that projects are still *Kmoney voice* building.
we've had stress tests and demos of Yuga's Otherside game...and now there's a gameplay teaser from Treeverse.
while Web3 and blockchain gaming may be a slow burn (most games take years to be built and perfected), as it applies to the future of NFTs, it's certainly a use case that many of us can get excited about.
imagine playing your favorite game *and* making money from it through tokenization.
however, that concept rubs many in the traditional gaming world the wrong way…which is why (on the whole) they still *hate* NFTs.
I’ve readjusted my expectations for Web3 gaming for this reason…as it might have less technological barriers than *cultural* ones.
congrats to NFTStatistics on the new gig, but even *more* congrats to Proof who snagged an absolute gem with this hire. this is sure to make Moonbird fans even more bullish on where they’re headed.

I’ll continue to shout out other people’s work in the Delta section moving forward. and today, it’s a thorough (though highly controversial) one…I’ll let you give it a read and come to your own conclusions, but Wave Ninja is a fellow Cool Cat that has been putting a lot of work into covering this story.