⚓️ proof acquires divergence
*ENS maxi’ing intensifies*
today, I will do my best to shut my trap about ENS. I realize I’ve covered them pretty much like every day for 2 weeks now.
so instead, I’ll write about something sexier than domain names (which literally could be anything else)…let’s get to it.
I’ve written in the past about how I’m anxiously waiting for Disney to drop the digital collectibles for real.
they have Veve, sure, and they’ve said they want to build a “metaverse”, but other than a few hires, we haven’t seen any substantial *building* from them.
but yesterday? they’re started laying some groundwork and hinting at what their Web3 play *might* look like. @PuffYatty gave a great TLDR on the relevant companies announced for their Disney Accelerator program here:

Disney at the drop of a hat could enter the Web3 game and change everything. however, they are playing the long game, likely only entering once the masses are damn well good and ready.
their brand needs not to rush…they have the luxury of watching everything play out since they are sitting on piles of money like Scrooge McDuck. so what we see in the accellerator is a lot of investments that are a few years away from being a few years away - and that means a lot of VR/AR.
however, one company in the accelerator caught everyone’s eye and that was Polygon - an L2 (Layer 2) chain built on Ethereum.
with a vested interest in that chain, we can assume that 1) Disney NFTs are on the horizon and they’ll be on ETH, and 2) they’ll have some gamification to them.
this doesn’t mean they’ll be a Disney metaverse video game exactly (though it could be), but instead, it could be tweaks to their pin-trading experience or a marketplace of metaverse skins that require lower gas fees, for example.
I can’t wait to see it, even though when it inevitably launches, I’ll be much too old to be caring about Disney.
3AC (3 Arrows Capital) is a now-defunct and possibly criminal crypto hedge fund.
their founders are on the run in what surely stands to be a fun subplot of crypto winter and the bones of a good movie (maybe I’ll write it since no NFT shows are getting back to me).
and because of their bankruptcy, the assets that have been seized will soon be liquidated….and this has NFT art fans foaming at the mouth.

that’s because their collection contains 31 Fidenzas, a Zombie CryptoPunk, and a CryptoDickButt just to name a few of the *luxury* assets in the 3AC wallet.
I often find myself digging into people’s wallets just for fun (it’s too shameful to relitigate my bad trades, so it gives me comfort to look at others’).
so as you’d imagine, I had more than a good time looking into the 3AC one. they have everything…duds, FUDs, rugs, and moons. you might see a project in there you forgot about (shout out AlphaBettys!) and you might see something that you want.
you’ll undoubtedly notice one thing though…3AC was buying tops worse than Steve Aoki.
it’s been a big week for Robotos fans (me). first, the TV show, ‘Robyn’, was announced and now…Robopolis is set to launch too. think of Robopolis as a digital playground for Robotos and other NFTs to mess around in…a micro-metaverse if you will. since we’re talking Disney, if I were them, I’d look to acquire Robotos. it’s an innovative team, family-friendly IP, and undervalued IMHO.
and speaking of acquisitions, Proof (the makers of Moonbirds) has acquired an engineering team called Divergence. expect more of this in the coming year. Web2 dudes like Kevin Rose love nothing more than snatching up smaller teams full of talent. plus, as big bags look to cement their roots in Web3 further, it’s often easier/cheaper for them to buy technology instead of building their own. book it!