some interesting news rolled across my timeline this AM regarding Cool Cats and Futureverse.
yes…they officially have a “strategic partnership”.
my reaction even though I wrote about this last month ⤵️
there will only be an ALPHA section today in BivNFT (I’m giving BETA, GAMMA, and DELTA the day off). that’s because I want you to go read my post from March.
in it, I wrote about the rumors swirling around Cool Cats and Futureverse. and apparently, where there’s smoke, there’s fire…because today, they announced they indeed do have a “strategic partnership”.
(you can read the official press release here)
that’s code for equity and money has been exchanged, and the two companies are now *financially* incentivized to succeed together.
granted…I got a lot wrong in my initial post about the rumors swirling around Cool Cats and Futureverse. mainly, Ken Cron is not *nearly* as important to Futureverse as I made him out to be.
but considering I am an amateur journalist, I think I did damn good.
*pats self on the back*
of course, only time will tell how right I was about the structure of the partnership. I’m sure more will develop over the next few months and we will know for certain if I’m actually a fraud.
(odds are, I should stick to reporting the news…not trying to break it)
but as it stands, I stand by my initial claim in that post from March that this could be a fruitful partnership. Futureverse fills gaps that Cool Cats has when it comes to long-term vision, and Cool Cats fills gaps that Futureverse has with IP and notoriety.
whatever comes of this partnership, I will of course be there to continue covering their stories. if you’ve been along for my NFT journey, you know how much love I have for Cool Cats…and I can only hope this partnership is for the betterment of my favorite Web3 brand.
see you on Thursday.