⚓️ death, taxes, and Franklin
good news…I’ve finally caught up on sleep! well, caught up on it *enough*.
(I, for one, could always use more sleep)
either way, today, I’m feeling more alert and focused than I’ve been in a few weeks. some craziness (good craziness FWIW) has been happening around me.
so I hope today’s newsletter slaps particularly hard. no guarantees it won’t be full of typos and grammar mistakes still though.

with the y00ts mint, the NFT community waited on bated breath to see what would happen.
after accepting many “influencers” to the y00tlist and then a delay on the mint day, many theorized there was a big “dump” incoming for t00bs…as influencers unloaded on unsuspecting plebs like us looking to get in on the hottest mint of the summer.
that first day was important…was y00ts all hype? or would the momentum continue past the “allow list” stage?
the answer? a little of both. for the most part, the y00ts community has stayed strong so far, minus Franklin taking his profits. him doing so though caused a mini-controversy on Twitter…as the war between Solana NFTers and Ethereum NFTers rages on.
but there are a few certainties in this world - death, taxes, and Franklin taking profits. how could you not have seen this one coming?
oh yes, and there is another certainty in life. it’s death, taxes, Franklin taking profits, *and* derivative projects.
y00ts Yacht Club is the newest kid on the block(chain)…and is apparently Ethereum’s answer to y00t. and get this novel idea they had…it’s Bored Ape traits on y00t bodies! what will they think of next?
yesterday, it flipped more established projects on Ethereum by raising to a .15 ETH floor…during a bear market no less.
it’s an eerily story similar to what happened with Not Okay Bears back in May…and once again proves that we can’t stay out of our way or enjoy the success of others.
so let’s take a break and once again enjoy the success of Franklin…the absolute profit-taking king.
Wonderpals is a project that had a lot of hype early on but has faded a bit from the NFT consciousness. this got my attention today though…they’re partnering with Cider to bring NFT merch to their Web2 following (Cider has 3.5 million Instagram followers FYI). it’s something to keep an eye on as Web3 brands continue to try and crossover to “mainstream” success.

another shout-out to Vinnie Hager, who was using his style to transform PFP over the weekend. check out the thread and be amazed…the art in this space is *still* undefeated.