I know what you spent last summer…
yes, I can see your wallet transactions and what you’ve dropped on NFTs over the years…
that was a bit of an overpay, don’t you think? 👀
my debut book, The NFT Survival Guide is out today!
nftsurvival.guide ⬅️ click this link to be taken to the Amazon page for it.
I’m very anxious about its release. not only is it the first book I’ve ever written, it’s also self-published.
(and if you remember, I’m prone to typos in this newsletter)
everything was written by yours truly. AI only helped me edit it, get facts, and remember certain dates.
it took me over a year and a lot of my own money to write this bad boy, and I’m super proud of it.
PLEASE consider buying it.
again, I know what you’ve spent on dumb NFTs over the years…
this book wasn’t written for marketing reasons. it’s not a lead funnel; you don’t have to give your email or phone number to get it.
you just need to click ‘buy now’ for $4.99 on Amazon.
it would mean a lot to me if instead of splurging for a coffee this morning, you bought my book instead.
I don’t even care if you read it, to be quite honest.
but I’d love if you did. I wrote about the highs and (mostly) lows of NFTs. I put in personal anecdotes, NFT history, and personal finance lessons I’ve learned from the space.
it’s not just a book about NFTs…as the title suggests, it’s a survival guide. it shows you how to shift your perspective, how to change your relationship with NFTs, and (maybe) how to improve your life.
though if you learn nothing from the book, I still think you’ll enjoy the crazy stories I’ve included featuring some of the biggest projects in NFTs, including:
Bored Ape Yacht Club
Pudgy Penguins
NBA Top Shot
Cool Cats (of course)
…and many more!
like many, I had all the time in the world during covid to write a book. I didn’t.
despite my dream of being an author and having ample time to get it started, the global pandemic came and went. I sat inside my house, played video games, and Zoom’ed with friends instead of starting my book.
my newsletter and your kind words about my writing finally gave me the motivation I needed to finish and publish my own book.
this is a BIG accomplishment for me. so I will always appreciate you because of this.
if you can’t buy the book, I’ll send it to you for FREE. just reply to this email.
if you do read it, please review it on Amazon.
if you want nothing to do with this book, do me a favor and share it on social media so everyone can roast me (there is no such thing as bad publicity!).
over the next few weeks, I’ll begin sending out excerpts from The NFT Survival Guide and will continue to promote however I can. do be warned.
but that’s because I’m proud of this book…and I hope you will be too.
Buying it now fam. Congratulations 🎊🍾