I was just laid off yesterday.
so please allow me to get corny with today’s newsletter
(c’mon bro, he just lost his job…cut him some slack).
yes…today I’m writing about my experience today and I’m hoping that you can pull some some life advice from me talking about my (now previous) job…and I’ll try to bring it back to NFTs somehow
(I know he’s gonna speak in cliches, but it’s a phase bro…it’ll pass).

I’ll be honest. I’m angry. but I only have myself the blame really.
the writing was on the wall with this company for months (if not years). but I continued to talk myself into the security and stability of it all. in the process, I probably wasted good years of my career, and also *maybe* lost some integrity along the way.
but in the NFT world who needs that stuff anyway, amirite?
so, I ask you: how’d staying in my comfort zone work out for me?
sometimes, and especially with NFTs, we can get caught in the echo chamber of a certain community. our bags are there, and our friends are there…but there might be something on the other side that’s better.
change can be good. new perspectives can be refreshing. when working with a technology like NFTs, it’s important to keep an open mind…because something revolutionary can always be right there looking at us in the face.
I may not understand ordinals and I may think they sound dumb, but I can’t dismiss them just because I’m scared by the change.
that’s where the issue (for people like me at least) starts. I *am* scared of change. but I now know that you gotta just take that leap of faith sometimes. you have to ape into the unknown.
(and if you don’t be brave you can just get fired like me)
my wife loves this quote. she’s talked about it multiple times to me over the years (jeez, I wonder why).
but now it hits harder knowing that once again my wife was right. I *could* have been trying to make it work in Web3 over the past 2 years. I could have failed doing what I loved instead of failing at a job I didn’t care about.
but life doesn’t always work that way. you can’t see what happens and make decisions based on the outcome.
(and even if it did, it never seems to work out anyway…or at least that’s what episodes of That’s So Raven seemed to imply)
NFTs have taught me to follow my gut. and in the pit of my stomach, I knew that my job wasn’t where I wanted to be. I felt myself being pulled towards NFTs in a *big* way.
but I ignored it.
instead, I stayed somewhere where I wasn’t learning new skills and wasn’t reaching my full potential.
and meanwhile, NFTs were right there for the past two years…basically begging me to *care* about them. I knew that’s where my passion was. I knew I wanted to learn in the Web3 space and try failing with NFTs.
at this stage, all I can be is grateful, I guess. I can’t change the past. it was a solid 4 years at my job. I can learn from the mistakes I made there.
(I mean…maybe. I don’t seem to be learning from mistakes in NFTs yet either, so the jury is still out)
I’m not gonna lie. the past few months have been rough.
a mini-bull run has left me with no real profits or Checks to speak of and there’s real stagnation when it comes to my Twitter followers and newsletter subscribers.
and now I’ve lost my job.
perhaps it was because I was half-assing everything?
I should have taken the advice of Ron Swanson…I should instead whole-ass one thing.
and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. don’t get me wrong, I’m going to look for a new job, but I’m not going to FOMO into a new one right away.
I have some runway and am going to take my time. I’ll find something that brings me joy, helps people, and is related to something I’m passionate about.
in a perfect world, that’s a job writing about NFTs.
but maybe life will have an unexpected curveball for me and I’ll find something even *better* for me.
I might as well try it out because playing it safe hasn’t worked out for me so far anyway.
so what’s the plan? what can you expect from BivNFT over the next few months?
a plan isn’t a plan until it’s written down. and since I clearly can’t keep myself accountable, I’m asking my readers to do it for me.
here are my goals for 2023 for me and my media:
I’m going to finish my book (NFT Survival Guide coming in April)
I’m going to start (a website showcasing the latest NFT news)
I’m going to launch a project, DAO, or group chat (maybe all 3).
if enough people care about hearing me do all this, maybe I’ll document it too. I’ll “build in public” as they say.
I’ve already shared that I got canned to thousands of people on Twitter, so what’s a little more public humiliation?
see you next week.
Perfect time to jump in. I am Always down to help.
Losing anything you are attached to (good or bad) for some time always leaves something deep down. And it's great to know that you're taking it pretty well. Sorry you lost your job, but i do hope it helps you discover more potential.
Let's turn "You're Fired" to "You're Fire Biv, You're too hot to handle right now" 😄
Love and hope to continue and be a part of this journey. Web3 is there for the taking.