⚓️ what's the deal with nakamigos?
the NFT collection that's taking over the conversation right now...
I have just returned from a bachelor party in Nashville. I’m now sick and tired, but…in honor of all the country music I listened to…I’m excited to get back up on the NFT horse (so to speak).
let’s see what I missed over the NFT world this weekend ⤵️
all about nakamigos
the hottest new collection is Nakamigos.
yes, even in the pits of a bad market for NFTs, there have been some success stories…
but what are Nakamigos? simply put, it’s a collection capitalizing on good pixel art and the mysterious team behind them.
minted out on 3/23/2023, they’ve had a strong come up…getting close to a 1 ETH price floor on Monday after Beeple tweeted one of his dailies about the project (above).
there has been some speculation on what HiFo Labs is…with some speculating it was LarvaLab’s (the creators of CryptoPunks) newest endeavor. this certainly hasn’t hurt their price floor.
but ultimately their rise is what can only be described as “influencer built”. there has been a diehard fanbase brewing for a few weeks now and by convincing the right people to speculate on Nakamigos with them, we have one of those run-ups that *seems* too good to be true.
and with people missing out on generational wealth once again and getting salty about it…what could possibly go wrong?
Nakamigos honoraries

along with the discussion of influencers, speculation, insider trading, and blah, blah, blah, Nakamigos has even had a “honoraries” controversy.
for those that don’t know, it’s often a marketing tactic of new projects to airdrop special tokens into the wallets of famous people in the space.
but while usually, this is a *separate* collection, the Nakamigos honoraries live inside the 20K supply of the rest of Nakamigos genesis collection. this makes them special 1/1’s which always go for a nice premium when a collection is pumping.
so influencers and co-founders who got one have decided to cash in. Betty from Deadfellaz, Steve Aoki, and Borovik among others have all decided to list their branded Nakamigos for 10 ETH.
since they were airdropped to them for the celebrity, it’s their right to sell them to the general public for whatever prices they see fit…but it’s sparked a conversation on what “dumping on your followers” looks like.
most have to get extremely lucky to find a 10 ETH sale under the couch cushion, so it’s hard not to feel a little jealous here. however, at the same time, it only makes sense that they’d sell as they have no connection to the project whatsoever, and it’s an easy way to stay liquid in tough economic times.
we can, of course, continue to argue amongst each other though. because that’s really what we need right now…
on Tuesday morning, Metamask revealed an update that would allow us to view our NFTs within the wallet.
will you continue to use OpenSea to view your NFTs? I know personally, I’m sick of opening up and searching for my wallet on OpenSea or using Rainbow wallet to look at my mistakes.
while progress is progress, Phantom has had this feature for *a while* now. while it’s nice to see Metamask catching up with the competition, we once again simply ask for $MASK.

you may have noticed that there were not a lot of graphs or charts in this edition of BivNFT. that’s because my favorite analytics tool, Curio.Tools, has shut down.
for that reason, I’ve been left dataless. and that’s where you come in.
what tools are you using for analytics? preferably, I’m looking for something that has a freemium model and where I can easily download the charts. I’d like to keep them clean and easy to understand for my readers.
I don’t need anything fancy…just price floors over time, sales volumes, etc.
as always my readers are the best, so I have no doubt that you will have the best recommendations for me! thanks in advance and see you Thursday!