what is Biv NFT?
BivNFT is a newsletter covering the latest and greatest NFT news, written by me…you guessed it…Biv.
what can you learn from this newsletter? well, probably as much as you can from a 30-year-old man obsessed with his picture of a cartoon cat.
so not very much.
there will be jokes (but certainly no financial advice) and you’ll *probably* better understand the NFT landscape after reading about the trends dominating the “mainstream” NFT news cycle currently.
at the very least you’ll read the ramblings of someone *obsessed* with NFTs. at the most, you might get into NFTs just as much as me.
hope you enjoy.
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my newsletter comes to your inbox occasionally.
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I’m on TikTok as @bivnft. you can DM there or go to my website at biv.xyz if you’re looking to hire me to write for you!
best of BivNFT
looking to get a sample of my work. check out these evergreen posts:
⚓️ how to “invest” in NFTs during a bear market